Sunday, May 15, 2011

Salut, Fez: Madrasas and Mint Tea!

Yesterday, I headed to Fez for the last time. We visited the Bou Inania Madrasa in the Old Medina. It was pretty cool because Hailey, Sabina and I all took the Islamic Art and Architecture class at AUI this semester. In fact, Hailey and I had also just taken our final in the class. The final was a little ridiculous, but we all agreed that we have learned so much in the course. This madrasa is a defining form of architecture created by the Marinid Dynasty in Morocco. This one functioned as both a congregational mosque and education facility.

We studied epigraphy like this, which often offers a transition between the different layers of decoration.

Hailey explained different aspects of madrasa decoration and architecture to her Dad.

Check out that axiality! In this madrasa, you can see the mihrab from the entrance. 

We bought some orange juice while we shopped. I haven't yet had a glass I didn't love. You can beat fresh squeezed juice for less than a dollar! :)

After eating camel burgers for lunch, we headed to Cafe Clock. It is a well-known tourist destination, but we never really tried to get to it on earlier trips. We ordered iced mint tea, which was SO good! Sabina and I were quite pleased! :)

We could see the minaret of the madrasa from our table! 

 Before we left, we took in one last view of Fez from the balcony of Hailey's hotel.

Fez is definitely one of my favorite cities in Morocco. It was one of the first cities we travelled to and will always hold a special place in my heart. 

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